
But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. O my Strength, I sing praise to you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God. Psalm 59: 16-17

I am a mom of two boys. Like any of you other moms, there were times that I cradled my sons in my arms and wiped tears. There were times that I went out a fought for them. I had more than one meeting with a principal when the mama-bear in me had enough! There were also times when they boys got a stern push to get busy and get something done!

In these verses, I see these qualities in God: tender love, protection, and a firm push. I feel the writer saying that he knows a heavenly parent who will fight for him, build him up, get him going! He also knows a heavenly parent who loves so deeply that the very hairs on his head are counted. And, he knows a heavenly parent who will shelter and protect when the storm is raging. He hear a parent who says, “You are strong enough to get out there and fight.”

Life is like that! Sometimes it feels like stress is a cyclone raging around me. I need to know there is a solid foundation under me and a roof over my head to keep me out the torrents. I need to feel the embrace of a God who protects.

Other times I need the push of God’s voice saying, “I am your muscle today, so get moving.” I need to hear that, although I don’t feel strong, there is someone in me who is strong enough to deal with anything! My God has already been where I am going today and He has given me every bit of strength that is necessary to face my challenges.

And love! The verse says, “I will sing of your love this morning,” and “You are my loving God.” I worry about what others think of me. I would love to always be everyone’s favorite, but I worry that I am the opposite. This morning, I am putting any of those doubts aside. It doesn’t matter what others think. I am going to sing of God’s love. I remind myself that I love the most when I know someone the best. I understand why they act the way they do. When I know their past, I have compassion on them for their present choices. God knows every piece of me, my past, my present, and my future and He loves me! He knows and He loves! Amazing grace, how sweet that sounds!

I picture myself this morning pushing open the door and facing the sunshine, breathing in the knowledge of God’s love, and stretching my muscles as I get ready for my day. I am protected and loved, but I feel the push saying, “You’ve got the my strength, so go face the day!”

One response to “Strength”

  1. Susan Puckett Avatar
    Susan Puckett

    Love it!